Talk About Sisterhood. The Internationalbatappreci..
17th Apr 2024, ACRES


The #InternationalBatAppreciationDay is for all of us to learn about bats in our environment, their roles and appreciate them better. Many of us know that bats are pollinators, bats control insect populations, bats can carry viruses. Do we know what it is to be a bat - the only true flying mammal? A study in the nineties documented a first time mother bat being helped by another female bat for THREE whole hours: not just with her position to deliver her first baby, but also cleaning her up and helping the baby to latch on to the momma safely. She basically mid-wifed her roost mate - acing #sisterhood. Just like it happens in our human world too!

If youd like to learn some #coexistence tips on bats, please visit yond-the-belfry-a-look-into-bat-rescue-a nd-coexistence-efforts

#SgWildlife #OurWildNeighboursSG #CityInNature #AnimalSentience #singapore #DidYouKnow #batsofsingapore #ecosystem
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