This monsoon season reminded us of the impact of our community empowerment programme
Three years ago, Kg. Pasir Gajah was badly hit by the floods. One of the victims was Noratiqah bt. Azemi (fondly known as Eyka). Eyka was living in a lower-lying area of the village with her family. Due to the location of their house, their family was always the first to be evacuated during a flood
The first photo shows Eyka's house at the height of the monsoon back in 2021. We initiated a fundraiser and many of you donated very generously to help Eyka and other affected villagers
Little did we know that our community empowerment programmeof which Eyka is a parthas changed her life! With income that she's been generating from producing our turtle batik merchandise, she is able to supplement her husband's income, and they are able to move to a house that is on an elevated area in the village!
Now, Eyka does not need to worry about rising flood waters and having to evacuate in the middle of the night (with 4 kids in tow) each time the monsoon comes around. All thanks to YOU
Thank you for supporting our women empowerment initiative by purchasing our turtle batik merchandise
Check out our turtle-batik items here
https://www.turtleconservationsociety.or article 024/11/18/guardians-of-the-river-terrapi ns