Name Misha | Date 9th Nov 2021 |
Profile 3 Yrs, Female | Breed Domestic Short Hair Cat |
Fee RM 1 | Health Not Spayed, Vaccinated, Dewormed |
Location Bangsar , Kuala Lumpur |
About The Pet
Meet Misha! Misha was a solo female kitten who showed up out of nowhere in front of my school last Friday. She’s very friendly, sweet, healthy, no fleas or ticks, her coats is shiny and soft and when we brought her back home, she looked very comfortable and could use the litter box without any issue, which made us believe that some irresponsible human dumped her, as the school guards found her few days before that and they’ve been looking after her during the monsoon showers 🌧
She has just gone through full vet check-up and luckily she is FIV/FELV negative and about 6 months old. She’s been defleaed, dewormed and will be vaccinated in 2 weeks time.
Misha is available as a solo cat or can be regimes with another cat friend, as we will be integrating her to our brats this week. Please send me a DM if you’ve been looking for a sweet, intelligent, beautiful kitten!